I'm a justice advocate working to bridge connections between people of differing perspectives through art, photography, graphic design and illustration.
As part of the LGBTQIA+ community and the Christian community, my understanding of myself, faith, God, sexuality, gender and the scriptures have been forming and transforming over my entire life. Raised in an evangelical / conservative home and church, I've had to unlearn and heal from many untruths and fundamentalist interpretations that I was taught, and wounds from close family and friends that deeply scarred my soul. It's been a long and difficult road to say the least. Both our beliefs in God and our desire to authentically love and be loved by another are at the core of a person's identity. Many told me I must either deny myself and my feelings or deny God. After countless years of depression, self-hate and trying to "do the right thing" as I listened to family, friends, religious leaders telling me I was "sinning and going to hell", I eventually hit rock bottom. I realized that I needed to find the truth for myself, instead of listening to everyone else's opinions. I couldn't choose between God or my feelings, so I began a 20+ year journey and chose to wrestle with the Lord myself, like Jacob, until God blessed me or told me otherwise. Over the years, I came to realize those voices that demanded I change to be worthy and "accepted into heaven" were untruths and lies from broken people and their broken understandings. I found my Creator never stopped loving me and He created me uniquely just as I was. He had never left my side, and was guiding me all the way. And just like everyone else, He had a plan and purpose for me as well. I found a peace, love and acceptance that no human could ever take away. So don't give up my people! God knew you before you were born— and you are created in Their image and nothing can separate you from your Creator's Love. I am an earnest seeker of Jesus's heart and a proponent of love, truth, honesty, and vulnerability. Here to follow in his footsteps, love the outcasts, be a lifter of heads, and point to the reconciliation and hope and God's true message of radical inclusive love that's still softly beckoning us all... *Disclaimer* Some of these images may cause some people discomfort and be confrontational and/or offensive. Rightfully so, that's what I believe art is called to do at times - confront the atrocities of oppressive power structures and seek justice for all people and the kingdom of Love we have yet to fully see. We won’t achieve full equality by merely focusing on our own struggles and ignoring causes that don’t seem to involve us. As Nelson Mandela said, “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Our freedom is inextricably intertwined. To obtain equal rights for all people, we have to fight for civil rights, and women’s rights, indigenous peoples rights, gay rights, trans rights, immigration rights, disability rights… and so on. When it comes to equality, there’s no hierarchy of oppression." "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (MLK).